Our inverter are also used for industrial ventilation: the inverter is installed on the fan's motor and this system permits considerable advantages in terms of better control of air quality with a consequent increase of wellness of the occupants of the space. Moreover, it's guaranteed a correct thermic balance in the environment to vary the characteristics of the air: it permits the optimization of air conditioning systems, to obtain a significant energy saving and a improvement in the productive processes.
The system for mixing of air, driven by our inverters, permits to harmonise a parameter or a characteristic of the air of an environment as, for example, the temperature or the humidity or the concentration of a particular substance. Using a sensor, the system can interact with the air conditioning systems to reach to the desired values.
So the system will be able to auto-adapt depending on the installation site: it is an important strenght in many productive realities as, for example, in the agrifood field: in this field is very important the correct thermic balance of productive rooms to vary of temperature and humidity, indoor and outdoor.